Oct 24, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Health and Safety

Accident or Illness

First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS)

Each campus building and the Christiansburg site are equipped with First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS). The college is not equipped to provide medical services on campus. Nevertheless, individuals who have minor injuries and in need of bandages and antiseptic may find first aid supplies at the following locations. AEDS are available for use as needed and designed to prevent unintentional administration.

All Security officers and selected personnel located near the AED storage have been trained to use the devices. 

Location of First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS):


First Aid Kits

Automated External Defibrillators

Godbey Hall Security Office (G84) Front hallway near Information Desk (G85)
    Hallway in from of the Business Office (G23)
Martin Hall Library Front Desk (upstairs) Library Front Desk (upstairs)
  Automotive (M124) Student Lounge
  Machine Shop (M133)  
Rooker Hall Advising Center Front Desk (R271) Advising Center Front Desk (upstairs) (R271)
  Facilities Services Hallway in front of elevator (upstairs)
  Instrumentation Lab (R128) Hallway near Welding Lab (downstairs)
  Welding Lab (R123)  
Edwards Hall Business & Technologies Office 
(partial kit) (E255)
Front Lobby near Workforce Development
  Workforce Development (E215) Hallway near Fitness Center (downstairs)
Christiansburg site Front Desk Near Elevator (upstairs)
    Near Elevator (downstairs)

Medical Emergency

The procedures listed below are to be followed in all emergency cases (or possible emergency cases) involving accident or illness:

Keep the injured/ill person quiet and calm. Do not move or allow to be moved unless, by allowing him/ her to remain stationary, the affected person is deemed to be in further danger. Ask him/her if he/she wants 911 called. If the answer is no, follow the instructions below. If the victim is unconscious, or is dazed (unaware of time, place, and self), you will need to instruct Security to call 911.

Go to the nearest telephone and dial NRCC Security at (540) 674-3646  or ext. 3646 when dialing from a campus phone; be prepared to give the following information:

  1. Exact location of the victim.
  2. Nature and apparent severity of the injury or illness.
  3. Whether or not the victim has refused 911 assistance.

THEN RETURN TO THE INJURED or ILL PERSON and wait for professional assistance.

  1. Never administer assistance beyond the level of your training.
  2. Never give medical advice unless you are trained to do so.

Security will: immediately call 911 (if necessary); notify Student Services, who shall send someone to the location of the injured/ill person; and notify the family, if necessary.

AIDS Policy

The college will follow the guidelines set forth by ACHA (American College Health Association) concerning students who have AIDS.

  • Students who have AIDS, ARC or a positive HIV will be allowed regular classroom attendance and use of all college facilities.
  • No AIDS testing will be a part of the admission process.
  • Confidentiality of medical information will be maintained.

Call Boxes

The NRCC campus in Dublin has four call boxes located in parking lots A, C, E, and H. These boxes can be used to reach Campus Security in an emergency or when a student, employee, or visitor is in need of assistance.

Contagious Disease Policy

1. Scope

The policy applies to all members of the College community, including students and employees, as well as all visitors to the College’s campuses and facilities, including contractors, vendors, and guests.

2. Policy Statement

New River Community College is committed to maintaining, to the extent reasonably possible, a safe environment for all students and employees (the “College community”). The purpose of this policy is to help prevent the spread of contagious diseases through measures that focus on safety, prevention, and education. As needed, New River Community College will make available to its College community information about the transmission of diseases and precautions that infected persons should take to prevent the spread of disease. New River Community College will rely on information and guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), the Virginia Department of Health (“VDH”) and local public health officials.

This policy is not intended to cover common illnesses, such as colds and viruses, or upper respiratory infections.

3. Definitions

Contagious disease: an infectious disease that is spread from person to person through casual contact or respiratory droplets, which may lead to an epidemic or pandemic and threaten the health or safety of the Campus community. These diseases include but are not limited to: tuberculosis (TB), measles or German measles (rubella), certain strains of hepatitis and meningitis, as well as SARS and certain strains of influenza. Other potentially less serious infectious diseases, such as chicken pox, seasonal flu, and pneumonia will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Epidemic: the occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness clearly in excess of normal expectancy.

Pandemic: a disease epidemic that has spread across multiple continents or worldwide.

4. Procedures

Persons who know or have reason to believe they are infected with a contagious disease that, according to public health officials, creates a risk of death or significant injury or impairment, must stay home and notify appropriate College personnel, e.g., instructor(s) or immediate supervisor.  They also should contact their healthcare provider and advise the local health department. They must follow the directions of the local health department to prevent the spread of infection and to protect their own health. The Director of Human Resources (employees) and the Dean of Student Services (students) will serve as the point(s) of contact between the local health department and the College.

4.1. Students

Students who know or have reason to believe they are infected with a contagious disease that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, i.e., creates a risk of death or significant injury or impairment, must stay home and notify the Dean of Student Services and/or their instructor(s).

Faculty or staff who suspect a student is exhibiting symptoms of a contagious disease shall report what they have observed to the Dean of Student Services but may not take any other direct measures with respect to the student.  The Dean of Student Services may send students home if they exhibit or report experiencing symptoms of the contagious disease. Failure to follow the Dean of Student Service’s instructions will be considered a violation of the student code of conduct and may result in disciplinary action.

Before returning to the College, students who reported having, or have been diagnosed as having a contagious disease must be free of all symptoms of the disease for at least seven (7) days since the date of the first report or diagnosis, or as otherwise recommended by a healthcare provider, the VDH, CDC, or other public health officials. The College may require students to  provide written documentation from a healthcare provider or local health department that the student may return to campus safely, unless state officials advise agencies to not make such requests, in which case students may return after the appropriate  period as established by public health officials.

Students have a responsibility to stay in contact with faculty/instructors regarding their absence and missed class assignments and should contact the Dean of Student Services if they have any difficulties or concerns. The College will provide reasonable accommodations as requested and required by law.


4.2. Employees

Employees who know or have reason to believe they are infected with a contagious disease that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others must notify their immediate supervisor and the Director of Human Resources that they have symptoms associated with the disease.  Employees should stay home or leave the workplace if symptoms occur while already present at work.  Supervisors have the authority to send employees home if they exhibit symptoms of a contagious disease while at the workplace. Employees will be charged sick or annual leave if sent home.

Before returning to the College, employees who have been diagnosed as having a contagious disease as listed above must be free of all symptoms of the disease for at least seven (7) days since the date of the first report or diagnosis or as otherwise recommended by a healthcare provider, the CDC, or other public health officials. Employees must provide written documentation from a healthcare provider that the employee may return to work safely, unless state officials advise agencies to not make such requests, in which case employees may return following the appropriate period as established by public health officials.

Employees must comply with all policies and procedures related to sick leave and supervisor notification regarding their ability to return to work. The College will provide reasonable accommodations as requested and required by law.

Failure to follow a supervisor’s directive is considered insubordination and is subject to formal disciplinary action under the Department of Human Resource Management’s (“DHRM”) Standards of Conduct or faculty human resource policy.

When the State Health Commissioner and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia declare a Communicable Disease of Public Health Threat as defined in Section 32.1-48.06 of the Code of Virginia, employees, pursuant to DHRM Public Health Emergency Leave Policy (Policy No. 4.52), are permitted or required to attend to the medical needs of themselves and immediate family members and will be afforded up to the maximum hours of paid leave per leave year as established by DHRM for this purpose.

4.3. College

Should any disease reach a pandemic stage, the College will rely on information and guidance from local and state health officials to provide appropriate information to the College community. College officials may temporarily close the College or its campuses, if such closure serves the best interest of the College community.

NRCC will inform the College community of plans to provide continuity of operations that will minimize disruption to campus operations. Such continuity measures may include requiring and/or permitting employees to transition to temporary telework through a telework agreement; modifying or shifting responsibilities and duties based on College needs and access to the campus; or modifying or altering normal working hours and schedules. Other measures may include implementing new safety and sanitary measures at the workplace based on current and applicable recommendations by the VDH, CDC or any other state or federal agency, and in compliance with any Executive Orders issued that would require such measures. Students and employees will be notified of specific measures and may be asked to acknowledge receipt and understanding of those measures as well as agreement to abide by them.

The College will consult with local and state health officials to provide any specific instructions for individuals returning to the College following infection of a contagious disease.


4.4. Visitors, Guests, Contractors, and other Third Parties

The College reserves the right to limit access to its facilities to any third parties (visitors, guests, contractors, etc.), in the event of an epidemic, pandemic or any outbreak of a contagious disease that alters normal business operations.  The College may institute additional safety measures based on the recommendations of public health officials that would be applicable to third parties visiting or working on campus.


4.5. Confidentiality

No person, group, agency, insurer, employer, or institution should be provided any medical information without the prior specific written consent of the student, employee, or other College community member unless required or allowable under state and/or federal law. Furthermore, all medical information relating to contagious diseases of students and employees will be kept confidential, according to applicable state and federal law. Medical information relating to contagious diseases of persons within the College community will only be disclosed to responsible college officials on a need-to-know basis.


4.6.  Non-Discrimination/ Harassment

Discrimination or harassment of employees having or regarded as having a contagious disease is prohibited.


4.6. Sanctions

Students who fail to comply this policy and applicable state and federal laws are subject to sanctions in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Employees who fail to comply with all applicable New River Community    College, VCCS, and DHRM policies and procedures, and applicable state and federal laws are subject to formal disciplinary action.


5. Authority

DHRM Policy 4.52, Public Health Emergency Leave

VCCS Policy, Contagious Diseases

Security Assistance

For emergencies or general assistance, students, visitors and employees may contact NRCC Security at (540) 674-3646 or ext. 3646 when dialing from a campus phone. Security can also be reached through the call boxes located in parking lots A, C, E, and H. Contact information for the NRCC Security Office is posted on all exterior doors throughout the campus as well as the electronic message boards (monitors) throughout the campus and the Christiansburg site.

Emergencies (Non-Medical)

In case of fire or any other need to evacuate the buildings, take your belongings, stand at least 100 feet away from the building and wait for further instructions. In the event of personal crisis which would need counseling or services, contact the Advising Center, Rooker Hall, telephone (540) 674-3609.

After office hours, refer to the following numbers:

  • Women’s Resource Center HOTLINE: (540) 639-1123 or (800) 788-1123
  • RAFT Crisis Line: (540) 961-8400 or (888) 717-3333.

Health and Medical Insurance Coverage

Health and medical insurance coverage is the responsibility of each individual student. Should a student be injured on campus through sports events or in any other situation, the student is responsible for medical bills incurred. If you are interested in student insurance coverage, contact the Advising Center in Rooker Hall (540) 674-3609 for more information.

Student Accident and Health Insurance Providers

Please feel free to contact these agencies for your insurance needs; however, please note that the Virginia Community College System does not endorse these companies.

Collegiate Risk Management, Inc.
110 Athens Street, Suite 200
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
Telephone: (800) 922-3420
Fax: (727) 939-8323

Insurance for College Students, LLC
(Offers insurance for international students)
E-mail: collegeinsurance@bellsouth.net

International Student Insurance
an Envisage International Company Website
224 First Street, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Telephone: (888) 247-1387

E. J. Smith & Associates
899 Skokie Boulevard
Northbrook, IL 60062-4024
Telephone: (847) 564-3660
Fax: (847) 564-3069

Portal Sites:

National Insurance Store
Affordable Care Act/Healthcare.gov

Pets on Campus

Due to the safety of our students, pets are not allowed on campus. The college will respond to reasonable requests as necessary.

Tobacco Use

In the interest of good health, smoking and chewing tobacco use are discouraged on campus. Smoking (including electronic, e-cigarettes, and vaping) and chewing tobacco are not permitted in any portion of any NRCC building. Smoking is also prohibited at the college’s Learning Park. Smoking is allowed in designated smoking areas only. Smoking shelters are located in areas between Godbey and Martin Halls and between Martin and Rooker Halls. There is also a smoking area near the lower entrance of Edwards Hall, and at the Christiansburg site. The Code of Virginia states that smoking is not permitted with 25 feet of state buildings. Please extinguish all smoking materials before approaching college building entrances.

Health Risks Associated with Drug & Alcohol Abuse

Drugs and alcohol interfere with student learning and employee performance in the workplace. Use of drugs and alcohol can also have dangerous consequences for personal health and for the safety of others. Some of the more commonly abused drugs are highlighted below:

  • Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination; can cause damage to the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas; increases the risk of birth defects; high doses can cause respiratory depression and death.
  • Marijuana has been linked to lung cancer, memory loss, slowed reaction time when driving, depression of the immune system, and complications for pregnant women.
  • Opiods can cause mood changes, including excessive swings from elation to hostility, changes in sleep patterns and poor decision-making, including putting oneself and others in danger or even death.
  • Crack/Cocaine can cause convulsions, infection, heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, brain seizures, psychosis, and death.

For more information on the health risks associated with drug and alcohol abuse, visit the Centers for Disease Control (A-Z index) at https://www.cdc.gov/az/a.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Faz%2Findex.html.

For information on community resources available in the New River Valley to assist individuals with drug and alcohol abuse, visit www.nr.edu/here4u/

Students may seek referrals through the Dean of Student Services located in the Advising Center, Rooker Hall, office 268 on campus in Dublin or through a Student Services Advisor located in office 153 at the Christiansburg site. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent permitted by law. For more information, contact the Dean of Student Services office at (540) 674-3690.

TimelyCare (Mental Telehealth)

The College offers TimelyCare - a telehealth program for students. The service provides access to 24/7 mental virtual health care from anywhere in the United States, with no cost to visit. Students can go to timelycare.com/vccs to register with their name and school email address. Students can then have visits from any web-enabled device - smartphone, laptop, or desktop.

Note: Students who are dual-enrolled through a New River Valley high school are not eligible. For students under 18 who are not dual-enrolled, parental approval is required.

Available services include:

  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at anytime
  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor
  • Group Sessions: weekly guided meditation and yoga group sessions, plus specialized discussions throughout the year.