For related HMS programs, see Related Programs Listing .
Purpose: The Early Childhood program is designed to prepare individuals for employment in a variety of situations in which care and development of young children are the primary objectives. Teachers already employed in child care may find this program appropriate for upgrading and broadening their skills and qualifications and providing training for promotion.
Occupational Objectives: Preparation or upgrading for positions such as assistant teachers (or aides) and home care providers in the following types of facilities: Child Care Centers • Day Care Centers • Family Child Care Centers • Head Start Child Care Centers • On-Site Programs in Business • Pre-School At-Risk Programs
Admission Requirements: In addition to the requirements for general admission to the college, a personal interview with the program head is recommended.
Program Requirements: The Early Childhood program at NRCC combines general education courses with specialized courses for a total of 34 credit hours to prepare students in the areas most directly applicable to working with children. To get the most benefit from the program, students should work closely with their faculty advisor in planning their curriculum including the internship experience. NRCC also offers a 15 credit Career Studies Certificate in Child Development and a 67 credit Associate of Applied Science degree in Human Services with a Specialization in Early Childhood Development. For students who decide to continue their education, courses in the certificate program will lead into the A.A.S. degree program and some may transfer to a four-year institution. Students who plan to continue into the A.A.S. degree and/or transfer after completing the degree requirements in Early Childhood should inform their academic advisor at the beginning of studies to ensure a smooth transition into programs and determine the appropriate courses to meet transfer requirements.
Students must successfully complete a supervised internship that includes on-the-job teaching experiences in an early childhood setting, approved by the Program Head. Application for internship should be made the semester prior to placement. Students should note that early childhood programs re-quire a criminal background report and a child abuse central registry search as a prerequisite to beginning the internship experience. A program may deny participation for findings on the reports. Affiliation agreements prevent the placement of a student who is denied internship participation at one program into an internship agreement at another program. Inability to meet the internship requirements prevents the student from satisfactorily achieving the course objectives resulting in failure of the course.
Students will be required to go through an oral interview at the conclusion of the program for assessment purposes. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, the student will be awarded a Certificate in Early Childhood Development.