Mar 29, 2025  

2023-2024 NRCC Catalog - Student Services


Student services advisors help students make decisions about their career, educational, and personal/ social plans. As a part of this service, students may take assessments, find occupational/ educational information and obtain financial aid information. The Advising Center is located in Rooker Hall in Dublin and in offices C103, C112, and C115 at the Christiansburg site. Student services advisors and faculty advise students each semester in the selection of courses which will fulfill their educational goals. However, ultimate responsibility for meeting all stated graduation requirements rests with the students.

Career Services

Career Services, located within the Advising Center in Rooker Hall and the Christiansburg site, provides many free services by appointment for career and life planning to students and adult citizens of the service region. Several of the services provided are individual assessment, career advising, and assistance with the EMSI Career Coach (, an online information system for career, education, and job exploration. Career Services also assists New River Community College students and alumni with the career-search process including resume review, interview skills, and mock interview sessions. For more information, contact Gwen Houston at (540) 674-3647 or


A well-planned testing program for students is provided in conjunction with academic advising. English and math placement tests are administered in the Testing Centers at both Dublin and Christiansburg locations. Results of these tests are used in the placement and advisement session with new students who have been admitted to the college. Virginia Placement Test (VPT), a computerized placement test, is used. Recent high school graduates may submit high school transcripts and/or SAT or ACT scores in lieu of taking placement tests. Additionally, recent GED completers may submit GED test scores.

Student Development

All curricular students, except those in career studies certificate programs, shall participate in SDV 100 College Success Skills , a course designed to foster student success. This course should be completed within the first 15 credit hours of enrollment at the community college unless the student is not required to complete an SDV course because it is waived. The requirement may be waived for students who hold an associate degree or bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. A new student orientation to enhance student success is also offered.

Enrollment Management

NRCC works with prospective students by providing assistance with admissions applications, the registration process, and general acclimation into the collegiate experience. Other goals of the office include keeping area high school guidance counselors apprised of NRCC programs and services; routine visits to high schools to administer placement tests and provide assistance to prospective students; organizing new student information sessions and providing tours of campus and the Christiansburg site. Alison Weston is the enrollment management and transfer services coordinator and can be reached by telephone at (540) 674-3685 or email at

Career Coaches

Virginia Community Colleges Career Coaches are community college employees who are based in local high schools to help high school students define their career aspirations and to recognize community college and other postsecondary programs, including apprenticeships and workforce training, that can help students achieve their educational and financial goals.

The purpose of the VCCS Career Coaches Program is to empower students to make informed decisions about their career and educational plans and to prepare students for success in postsecondary education and training.

NRCC’s Career Coaches are located in the following NRCC service region high schools:

  • Auburn High School
  • Blacksburg High School
  • Christiansburg High School
  • Eastern Montgomery High School
  • Floyd County High School
  • Pulaski County High School
  • Radford High School

Cooperative Education/Internship

The Cooperative Education/Internship program gives students the chance to gain study-related experience in business, industry, government, and service agencies. The program, which combines work experience with classroom studies, is a joint venture between the college and cooperating employers to form a total educational program for the student.

The students enrolled in the Cooperative Education/Internship program take the same courses as do students in a regular course of study. Besides their college courses, the students are involved in a supervised work experience which is planned, progressive, and closely related to the students’ courses of study and career interests. Cooperative Education/Internship gives college credit for work experience which can be used in place of elective courses and some cases required courses needed for graduation.

The Cooperative Education/Internship program gives students a chance to use classroom knowledge in actual work situations, to work with and observe people who have different backgrounds and training, to earn money to help pay for part of their college education, and to investigate permanent employment opportunities.

Students who would like to take part in this program should contact their faculty advisor or the Division of Business and Technologies in Edwards Hall the semester prior to enrollment, if possible, to allow sufficient time for planning.

Information Technology Services

Students enrolled at NRCC have the use of the college’s extensive computing resources. Each student is provided cloud email, fifteen gigabytes of cloud storage space, and on-premise high-speed Internet access (Wi-Fi).

The college has 32 computer labs for use by individual students and classes. The new student orientation program and SDV 100 class include instruction in the use of college email, cloud storage, our learning management system, and other college online resources. Various other courses at the college offer instruction in the use of computer applications software and the Internet. With over 1,000 computer workstations for their use, NRCC students develop computing skills that will serve them well throughout their college and professional careers.

In addition to computer labs, the college has 65 electronic classrooms. These classrooms fully support multimedia applications through a networked computer workstation, video projector, and document camera. Electronic classrooms enable NRCC faculty to fully incorporate technology into the teaching and learning process.


All new NRCC students seeking a degree, diploma or certificate are required to attend a New Student Orientation program during which they are introduced to the college community and what they need to know in order to succeed as college students. During the 3.5-hour session, students will identify their educational goals, create academic plans that enable them to achieve their goals, learn how to access resources online and on campus, and get to know other NRCC students, faculty and staff. Parents and other support people for incoming students will also have an opportunity to learn more about NRCC and how they can best support their students to succeed in college at an open-house style semester kick-off event prior to classes beginning. For more information about new student programming, contact Dani Hood at, or 540-674-3709.

Academic Success Center

NRCC offers free tutoring in every subject through the Academic Success Center, our one-stop campus resource for help with coursework. In addition to course-specific tutoring, the Academic Success Center houses the NRCC Writing Center, where students may work with tutors on issues specific to writing, whether for a course, a resume, a job application, or for pleasure.

Students may receive tutoring and/or writing assistance on an as-needed basis (walk-in), or via scheduled appointments. Students unable to come to campus may participate in online sessions by appointment. In addition, online tutorials for many courses are available on the website or through the Canvas portal “NRCC Tutoring Services” that students will find under “My Organizations.”

Tutoring is available during the week Monday-Friday. To schedule an appointment or meet with a tutor, visit the Academic Success Center in Godbey Hall (G131) on campus in Dublin, or the Christiansburg site (C202); students may also call (540) 674-3664 or complete an online tutor request form.  For more information, including hours, visit the Academic Success Center webpage.

Writing Center

NRCC’s Writing Center offers a full range of writing-related assistance. Students may work with a writing consultant on a walk-in or scheduled basis, and students in courses with embedded tutors may schedule appointments with those tutors outside of class hours. The Writing Center is housed within the Academic Success Center and can be found in Godbey Hall (G131) on campus in Dublin, or the Christiansburg site (C202). Students may schedule appointments by completing an online tutor request form, calling (540) 674-3664 or visiting either of the Academic Success Center offices. For more information, including hours, visit the Academic Success Center webpage. Walk-ins are welcome, and the library writing center has weekend hours.

Connecting Learning Assets and Students (CLAS)

The Connecting Learning Assets and Students - or CLAS - system has been developed for use by NRCC faculty and staff as a support system for the college’s intentional engagement model. CLAS houses NRCC’s early intervention system that allows instructors to raise concerns and praises on students, initiating an email to students and potential intervention by the Student Services office.

Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing offers students who are deaf or hard of hearing quality support services so they may participate in their program of study. A campus orientation provides for a smoother transition to college life.

The Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CDHH) is ready to assist students in any way possible during their education at New River Community College. The CDHH offers many services, including:

  • Qualified interpreters and note-takers
  • Career education, and pre-registration advising
  • Information regarding financial aid/scholarships
  • In-service training to faculty and staff
  • Provisions for community education and advocacy
  • Various assistive technologies

Those who would like more information about the center may contact the coordinator, Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 5251 College Drive, Dublin, Virginia 24084. Telephone (540) 674-3619 (Voice/TTY). Visit the center’s home page at

Center for Disability Services

Disability Services offers a comprehensive schedule of academic services, coaching, and advising. These services are tailored to the needs of students with identified disabilities in order that they may pursue their college program of study. Among services which are available to students with disabilities are:

  • Accommodations as determined by the students’ documentation and needs;
  • Pre-registration advising and campus orientation;
  • Individual and small group advising and discussion;
  • Assistive technology to support individualized learning;
  • Small group seminars focusing on time management, priority setting, study techniques, social/interpersonal skills, and other topics.

A caring environment and individual attention can foster the development of self-confidence, motivation, and achievement. For more information contact Lucy Howlett at (540) 674-3619 or email

Notetaking Services

Notetaking Services provides assistance to students with a documented disability who meet Federal guidelines under the Americans with Disabilities Act and to students with temporary physical disabilities. Documentation may be requested to be eligible for this service. Request forms may be obtained from the Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing or the Center for Disability Services located in Rooker Hall in Dublin, at the Christiansburg site (office C115), or by clicking here.

Developmental Studies

Developmental or preparatory programs are offered to prepare individuals for admission to the college transfer programs and the career/technical programs. These developmental programs are designed to develop the basic skills and understanding necessary to succeed in other community college programs. For more information, visit the Developmental Math and Developmental English webpages.

All students who are entering a program of study or enrolling in any courses requiring a mathematics or English prerequisite, which includes transfer students who do not have credit in mathematics or English, must meet placement requirements for the courses.  Placement may be determined by high school transcripts, SAT and/or ACT scores, and GED scores; all of which are valid for five years. Additionally, students who have completed English or math courses at another college or four-year institution may submit college transcripts for placement determination.

Students who do not satisfy the placement requirements based upon the above multiple measures may take the Virginia Placement Test (VPT). A Student Services Advisor will assist students in determining their needs for placement testing and course enrollment eligibility.

More information about placement tests is available here.

Student Activities

The student activities program offers meaningful educational, cultural, leadership, and social experiences which include the following: clubs and organizations, club sports, special events, and special groups as approved by the college. All of the clubs have a staff or faculty advisor or sponsor. The activities coordinator facilitates all student functions with assistance from the student body and other college employees. For the latest activities news, announcements, and offerings, go to the website at or visit the office in Martin Hall, (M123), located in the T. J. Anderson Student Lounge in Dublin.

Exercise/Fitness Facility

NRCC has an on-campus exercise/fitness facility in Martin 109. This facility provides students, faculty, and staff access to weight equipment and several cardiovascular stations. Individuals may use the facility after completing an Assumption of Risk form and obtaining a Fitness Center ID card through Student Activities. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. For information about the fitness facility, go to or visit the Student Activities Office in Martin Hall.

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook provides information of interest to students. This handbook describes, in detail, student activities, clubs and organizations, and college policies and regulations pertinent to the student. The Student Handbook is a digital handbook and may be viewed online.

Student Conduct

Because college students are adults, the college assumes that they will conduct themselves as such. Students are responsible for representing their rights in the pursuit of high quality education. Parents, sponsors, or third parties are not privy to this process, grades, or information. Guidelines and rules of student conduct are made by representatives of the students, faculty, advising staff, and administration. The college does not want to impose a strict code of discipline, but it will take action when it is needed. The rules will become official by administrative statement.

Those violating standards of conduct relative to the college may receive disciplinary probation or dismissal, depending on the nature of the offense. A disciplinary probation period, unless it is stated otherwise, is for one semester.

The Virginia Community College System pledges to all students the privilege of exercising their rights of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States without fear or prejudice. Special care is taken to assure due process and to spell out what steps students should take when they feel their rights have been violated.

A complete statement of the rights and responsibilities of students is included in the Student Handbook. Student complaint and grievance procedures are also described in the Student Handbook.

The college has a policy which does not allow weapons, firearms or any device or substance designed to harm or incapacitate.

Campus Safety

To ensure the safety of everyone in the college community, individuals who demonstrate inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the campus. For more information about campus safety, please view the Student Handbook or visit

Student Dress

Dress is a matter of individual taste until that choice of clothing infringes upon others or causes a disruption in the learning environment of the college.

Student Records

The college retains student records in accordance with policies established by the Virginia State Library Archives and retention schedule. The college will retain on a permanent basis an official record of a student’s academic history (transcript).

The college may also maintain a separate student academic folder which may include, but not be limited to, the following information: application forms; standardized test results; high school transcript; domicile reclassification form; curriculum change; college transcripts; Immigration and Naturalization Service form; student update form; graduation application; credit evaluation forms; and admission correspondence. Information contained in the student academic folder will be retained in accordance with the aforementioned policy and may be destroyed three years from the date of the student’s separation from the college.

Parking Regulations

Students must register their vehicles with the Security Office, located inside the main entrance of Godbey Hall. An NRCC parking permit for the current year will be issued for each vehicle that is registered and must be visible and affixed to the rear-view mirror. Motorcycle parking is permitted in the crossed-out areas. The Christiansburg site does not require an NRCC parking permit while attending classes at the site. Students must have a state issued handicapped parking permit to park in the handicapped spaces at the Christiansburg site. NRCC parking permits for handicapped persons are valid for campus in Dublin only. For handicapped parking areas on campus, refer to the campus maps. There is no cost for parking permits.

Illegal Parking is not allowed in the following areas:

  • fire lanes,
  • along painted curbs,
  • by fire hydrants,
  • no parking zones,
  • driveways and entrances,
  • on the grass, or
  • incorrect parking between lines.

Illegally parking in handicapped spaces carries a fine of $15. All other violations are $5 and can be paid in the Business Office or mailed in the ticket envelope. Unpaid tickets will delay issuance of transcripts and future registration for classes. For more information, visit the website at or call (540) 674-3646.


Programs and courses of study (including Career Studies Certificates) at this college are approved by the Virginia Department of Education and the Veterans Administration for payment of veteran’s educational benefits. Programs include the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill®*, Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Educational Benefits for Dependents and Spouses and Active Duty Tuition Assistance. For information about VA educational benefits, contact the NRCC Veteran’s Services representative at (540) 674-3693 (located in Rooker Hall, room 272) or the Veteran’s Administration in Roanoke (the VA toll-free number is (800) 827-1000. Free tuition is available for dependents of certain disabled or deceased (service related) veterans through the Virginia Military Survivors Dependent Educational Program; contact the Veterans Services Office on campus.

Should a student be ordered to active military service for a period of 30 days or more, the student may request to be withdrawn from the college after the census date with a grade of W (withdrawn) and no GPA penalty.  The student may be granted a full refund (if applicable) and not be obligated for any fees owed the college due to the activation in military service.

A student called to active military service may also have the option of a grade of “I” instead of receiving a tuition refund and a grade of “W”.  For a grade of “I”, all course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization. A student may also have the option of taking final examinations prior to regularly scheduled exams.

Military students shall be assured a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to reapply for admission after a cumulative absence of not more than five years so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the college not later than three years after the completion of the period of service.

Dependents of military members may also be given consideration under this policy.

New River Community College is a member of Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC), a consortium of over 1300 institutions pledged to be reasonable in working with service members and veterans trying to earn degrees even while pursuing demanding, transient careers. As a SOC member, New River Community College is committed to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and work experiences. SOC is sponsored by 15 national higher education associations with the military services, the National Guard Bureau, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense serving as cooperating agencies.

Post 9/11 GI Bill®* (Chapter 33) The Post-9/11 GI Bill®* is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. Individuals must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®*. Read here for more information.

Transfer of Post 9/11 GI Bill®* Benefits to Dependents (TEB) For the first time in history, service members enrolled in the Post 9/11 GI Bill®* program are able to transfer unused educational benefits to their spouses or children effective August 1, 2009. Read here for more information on how to apply for TEB.

As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, please be aware that an individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill®* benefits, or Chapter 35, Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance, will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the education institution a certificate of eligibility (or a “Statement of Benefits” for Chapter 33 or a VAF 28-1905 for Chapter 31) for entitlement to the educational assistance under Chapter 31, 33, or 35 and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  • The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  • 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certification of eligibility.

New River Community College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facility, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31, 33, or 35.

In accordance with Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(c), the following individuals shall be 
charged the in-state rate, otherwise considered a resident, for tuition purposes:

  • A veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill® -Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®), of Title 38, United States Code, who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits who lives in the state where the Institution of Higher Learning {IHL) is located, and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service serving on active duty.
  • A spouse or child using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship {38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
  • A spouse or child using benefits under Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance {Chapter 35) living in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of their formal state of residence).
  • An individual using educational assistance under chapter 31, Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his or her formal state of residence) effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019.
  • Anyone described above remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same institution.  Therefore, the described person must be enrolled in the institution and use educational benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 33 or 35 of Title 38, United States Code.

This institution is approved to offer GI Bill®* educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA).  The SAA is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. The SSA investigates complaints of GI Bill* beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy that can be found in the NRCC Student Handbook, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact SAA at

For information on additional benefits and programs for veterans, contact the Veterans Services representative at (540) 674-3693.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark offered by VA.  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at”