Mar 15, 2025  
2025-2026 College Catalog 
2025-2026 College Catalog

General Studies AS

These programs are intended for transfer purposes. It is important that any student interested in transferring to a four-year college or university consult with his/her academic advisor.

Award: Associate of Science

Length: Four-Semester (Two-Year) Program

Purpose: The transfer degrees program is designed for students who plan to complete a baccalaureate degree program at a four-year college or university, or who are not yet prepared to select a definite career objective.  The AS General Studies degree provides the first two years of a guided pathway for students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university.

Objectives: NRCC students will transfer to four-year institutions with a foundation of relevant and general education courses.

Transfer Virginia: Students are strongly encouraged to consult their academic advisor and review program options using the Transfer Virginia Portal,

Admission Requirements: The student must meet the entrance requirements established by the college. Students are urged to check the mathematics requirements of the four-year college or university to determine the proper mathematics course to be taken at the community college. In addition, they should contact the appropriate four-year institution to determine the transferability of elective courses.

Program Requirements: Specific courses required for the Associate of Science degree are intended to provide a balanced foundation in liberal education.

Note: Although a course fulfills a requirement for an NRCC program, it is possible the course will not fulfill a requirement at a four-year institution. Students who plan to transfer need to determine the four-year institution’s requirements prior to course selection. General transfer information is available at

Four-Semester (Two Year) Program


Students should confirm math requirement at 4-year transfer institution.  Although a math sequence fulfills the requirements for an NRCC program, it may not fulfill the math requirement for the student’s intended major at a four-year institution.  Students who plan to transfer need to determine the four year institution’s math requirement prior to course selection.  General transfer information is available at

Mathematics Sequences:  The Mathematics requirement may be selected from the following sequences.

MTH 154 -MTH 155       Quantitative Reasoning & Statistical Reasoning

MTH 155 -MTH 161       Statistical Reasoning & PreCalculus I

MTH 154 -MTH 245       Quantitative Reasoning & Statistics I

MTH 161 -MTH 261       PreCalculus I & Applied Calculus I

MTH 261 -MTH 262       Applied Calculus I & II

MTH 167 -MTH 263       PreCalculus with Trigonometry & Calculus I

MTH 263 -MTH 264       Calculus I & II

Students may choose from college approved Humanities/Fine Arts Requirements in the college catalog, with the exception of ENG options, to fulfill this requirement.

Students should determine transfer institution’s requirement prior to selection.

The Natural Science requirements may be selected from the following:  BIO 101 -BIO 102 ; CHM 111 -CHM 112 ; PHY 201 -PHY 202 . PHY 231-232, BIO 141 -BIO 142 , CHM 241 (w/CHM 245  ) CHM 242  (w/CHM 246 , BIO 150 .

 Students should determine transfer institution’s requirements prior to selection. Some four-year degree programs require a two-semester sequence of a single laboratory science, chosen from BIO 101 /BIO 102 , CHM 111 /CHM 112 , PHY 201 /PHY 202 , or PHY 241 /PHY 242 .

Students may choose from college approved Social Science Requirements in the college catalog. One of the two required Social Sciences courses cannot be a HIS course.